The Harvest

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37 Jesus said to his followers, “There is such a big harvest of people to bring in. But there are only a few workers to help harvest them. 38 God owns the harvest. Ask him to send more workers to help gather his harvest.” ~Matthew 9:35-38

All year long, Gateway 2 Missions and our partners sow seeds into the lives of people in Uganda through acts of service and support. Small actions impact a community desperate for resources and hungry for fresh manna. They encounter God every time we bring food to their home or administer medical treatment through one of our clinics. People are the soil to which the seeds of faith, hope, and love are planted and nurtured. Those on the receiving end of our organization have an opportunity to receive the Word of God and attend a free medical/dental clinic. We travel to different churches located in remote villages to minister to the pastors, women, men, and children. The Grace of God rests on the lives of each person who travels with our team. The anointing on their lives allows them to teach and preach the Word of God. The Annual Missions Trip is a chance for us to nurture the seeds planted throughout the year and gather the harvest. 

During our Annual Missions Trip, our team consisting of ministers, prophets, evangelists, and pastors travel to our office in Lira, Uganda. They are men and women equipped to cultivate the soil of the whole man, mind, body, and soul. Each team member has been graced with a gift to minister to people. Months before the mission trip, the team attends weekly pray meetings to focus and unite on one accord.  Generally, in the Kingdom, you will have different people operating in the gifts of the spirit. A prophet comes to edify the church. The pastors oversee the people and interpret the scripture, and the evangelists go out into the world telling people about the goodness of Christ, bringing them back to the church. Each gifting is not exclusive; a person may have the ability to operate in more than one gift; however, there is a grace that manifests one gift of the spirit as primary. I’ve expounded on the most common areas of ministry; however, your gifting may be in hospitality; this is just as significant as the others, but I digress. Everyone’s gifting is activated for the work of the mission, allowing the experience to promote growth and cultivate maturity, which perfects the gift. 

Being on the mission field is selfless work. A missionary’s work doesn’t end when the trip is over but continues in the lives of those we encounter along the way. As we meet the needs of those most effective by poverty, we spread the love of God and expand the Kingdom. Through our donations, we can bless each person with a bible to search the Word of God and study the scriptures for themselves. As a new Christian, it is necessary to connect with a church for edification.  Each church we visit becomes a beacon of hope for the village and is the umbrella for those who give their lives to Christ. Many pastors receive training and edification through our ministry and are equipped to take in the harvest. These churches are a haven of hope and provide a sense of community for the villagers.   

Are you called to the mission field? Pray and seek God for clarification on your calling. Ask Him for a vision and guidance on the specific area He has called you to, and then begin to ask for wisdom on how to move forward. Study your gift of the spirit and find ways to perfect the talent. Allow Him to orchestrate the calling for your life. He will connect you to the right people at the right time. 

Gateway 2 Missions Global Ministries hosts an annual missions trip to Uganda, come and join our team. We are just one way you can get involved with missions. 

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